
10 Minute Mindful Meditation | Guided Sleep Meditation: Blissful Sleep

Welcome to this 10-minute guided meditation for peaceful sleep with Ike. Find a comfortable position in your bed, close your eyes, and take a deep breath in and out. Bring awareness to your body, allowing each area from your feet to your head to relax. Focus on your breath, inhaling calmness and exhaling tension. Visualize a warm, gentle light relaxing your entire body. Repeat these affirmations silently: "I am calm and at peace. I am safe and secure. I am ready to sleep deeply and soundly. My body and mind are relaxed and at ease." Let go completely, feeling the gentle rise and fall of your breath, ready to drift into restful sleep. Thank you for joining me. Sweet dreams and restful sleep.

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36 #GuidedMeditation #SleepMeditation #RelaxationTechniques #DeepBreathing #Visualization #CalmingLight #AffirmationsForSleep #PeacefulSleep


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